Major Depressive Disorder. Anxiety. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Complex PTSD. Paranoid-Schizoid Syndromes.

Nightstand Contents

1. Lamp.

2. Candle.

3. 2.0+ Reading Glasses.

4. Bose Wave Radio.

5. Flashlight.

6. Basket- Sweetgrass basket from Charleston, SC.

7. 22 Books-

The Magic Mountain, by Thomas Mann.

Saving The Appearances, by Owen Barfield.

Practical Mysticism, by Evelyn Underhill.

A Very Short Introduction Series, by Oxford University Press

Mans Search For Meaning, by Victor Frankl.

The Spiritual Challenge of Midlife: Crisis and Opportunity, by Anselm Grum.

The Divided Self, By R.D.Laing.

The Angry Book, by Theodore Rubin MD.

Compassion and Self Hate, by Theodore Rubin MD. 

8. Logitech Bluetooth Adapter.

Complex PTSD

Contents of Alter

9. 5 books on the left on addiction-

Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book

The War of the Gods in Addiction, by David Schoen.

Addiction and Grace, by Gerald May.

CoDependant No More, by Melody Beattie.

10. 7 books on inner work-

Fourth Way Teachings, by Rebecca Nottingham.

The Science of Universal Awe Vol 1, by Ahmsta Kebzeh.

Fragments, by Murat Yagan.

The Cosmic Christ, by Hans-Werner Schroeder.

Awakenings, by Thomas Keating.

Inner Work, by Robert Johnson.

The Christian Archetype, by Edward Edinger.

The Way of Hermes, by Hermes Trismegistus.

11. Anglican Prayer Beads.

12. Silicone Earplugs.

13. Rose Quartz.

14. Alabaster bowl.

15. Cross.

16. Holy Water.

17. Christ and Madonna diptych.

18. Quartz.

19. Geode formation- From girlfriend.

20. Pantocrator incense holder filled with my maternal grandmother's ashes.

21. Watch- Belonging to my maternal grandmother.

22. Ring- My mother's high school class ring.

23. Black Madonna of Rocamadour.

24. Coaster.

19. Oil of chrism.

20. Essential oil- doterra protect.

21. ipad.

Submitted Bio

50 year old heterosexual male with history of two major depressive episodes mixed with anxiety and paranoid ideation. Biological Father committed suicide at patient age 6 months. Mother remarried emotionally absent man at patient age 4, who came with an oppositionally defiant and emotionally volatile son 5 years older than patient. Antidepressants since age 20. Two attempts to withdraw from antidepressants which failed miserably. Psychotherapy since age 24. Married for two years from 1991-1993. Currently partnered 4 years. Occasional suicidal ideation but no past attempts.